
List of substack authors
List of substack authors

I have quite a few clients who are using Substack, and I’ve set some up them up on it from scratch. Just do a web search for “Substack” to find it. And everything I write here is simply because I find it interesting. I’ll note: I don’t use Substack for my own newsletter. Substack makes it easy to connect a blog to a newsletter and vice versa.Substack has a huge focus on helping you to get paid for your writing.Substack encourages email list growth through word of mouth marketing.But I think Substack is worth paying attention to. I don’t often talk about trendy tools here because I like focusing on the foundational elements of what it means to conduct what I call Human-Centered Marketing. They earn more money from their newsletter.These are the results I have seen for writers I’m working with: In many ways, it is trendy to the point where people say, “Sign up for my Substack” instead of “Sign up for my newsletter.” But Substack is doing thing differently than many other newsletter services I have used.

list of substack authors

Recently, there has been a new newsletter service out there that has been really powerful for many writers I’m working with.

  • Just consider how you can share something meaningful, authentic, helpful, or inspiring to your readers each week.
  • (I know, I know, many of you will guffaw at this.) Mine started with 9, all of whom I asked permission from in person.
  • Don’t worry about how many subscribers you have.
  • Start it way before you think you need to.
  • list of substack authors

    There is a lot we can discuss here, but to sum up my recommendations: With writers I work with, I’ve found it helpful if they think of it less as a NEWS-letter, and more as a letter to a friend. Then send it to folks who asked to hear from you. It’s not a TikTok dance, it’s not a viral video, a clever meme, or so much else that confounds many writers. I’ve always appreciated how a newsletter aligns so well with what writers do… which is… um… write. This is also how you encourage those people to take meaningful actions such as pre-ordering your book, posting a review for it, helping you identify book clubs, telling a friend, etc. The reasons are the same now as they were years ago: a newsletter list gives you direct access to the people most likely to support your work. If you are a writer hoping to develop your author platform or prepare for a book launch, newsletters are still a primary channel you should consider using.

    List of substack authors